Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Square Foot Gardener

Last spring I happened upon a book I’d had around for a few years  that I originally found in my choir box in the tabernacle as the kind author had gifted every choir member with a copy.  I began reading and could not put it down.  I had always made an attempt at gardening through the years but never really excelled at it.  I can’t say that I have now either but at least I’ve had a rebirth.  Barry constructed us two 4x4 6 inch tall boxes.  We put tarp on the bottom and set them right on our cement driveway.  We bought the specified soil mixtures for the boxes and then measured off 16 divided squares in each one.  I actually sprouted cherry tomatoes, cucumbers,watermelons,and marigolds back in the early spring.  I really enjoyed tending them each day or so.  In May I transplanted these and also planted lettuce, beets, zucchini and yellow squash , cilantro, carrots, onions, peas,peppers and beans.  I have worked hard but have to say that the box planting is SO much easier and makes more sense than long rows and large spaces that are harder to care for.  The garden is right out my back door and I have pulled very few weeds!  Not everything worked well but I am pleased with the bounty.  I am still harvesting  lettuce,cucumbers, squash,tomatoes,beans,beets,and chard,  I planted peas and spinach in late July for a fall harvest.  The boxes have taken more watering than I expected…almost every day.  I recommend this method to anyone who has little space to garden, even just a patio!