Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Recording Log


This week the motab is recording a new CD called "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"  It is American Folk Songs and Spirituals, conducted by M.W.  I thought I would give a day by day entry of the process.  Last night we began at 6:45  in the tabernacle.  I drove a van full of people up to SLC leaving at 5:35pm.  We sat according to a new seating chart.  We were asked to bring blankets to lay on the benches of the tabernacle to muffle the sound a bit.  Half the choir forgot to bring them but we seemed to have enough.  We were introduced to the recording engineers and staff, some of whom are not Mormons.   We began with some sound checks for the orchestra and then the choir. By about 7:45 we were beginning to record.  We started with "Saints Bound for Glory".  We did a few full run throughs and then took is apart and recorded sections at a time.  I brought my ipod along and listened to talks when we had a few minutes of waiting.  At around 9pm we proceeded with  "Come Thou Fount".  Some new people had never even sung this with us and here they were expected to record it right off.  That's how it goes in this organization.  Its made up of people who CAN do that!  We spent quite a while on perfecting the different verses and then finished around 10:15.  I drove everyone home, dropped off the church owned van at a guy's house and arrived home at 11:20.  This will be the schedule for every night this week and all day Saturday.


melody said...

Wow! What a week you will have. I bet it is so amazing to sing such gorgeous songs with so many dedicated singers. Good luck this week!

Drew said...

Sounds exciting! What an amazing hymn that is, and Mack's arrangement really hits the spot. Are there going to be many new selections on this album, or a collection of old, remastered favorites?