Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Q&A Thing Going Around

For hours and hours I could...

visit with my husband and or children

sing with the Tab Choir.

Read a really good book.

I feel best about myself...
when I put others first

when I have work to do and I get it done

I absolutely cannot stand...



I am afraid of..

deep murky water

the idea of parachuting

I love to splurge by...

buying a new tennis racket

I save by...

buying one on sale

I hardly every buy groceries that aren't on sale

I am trying to work on...

remembering that I am third

Increasing my knowledge of geography

In high school...

I surprised my AP English teacher by really applying myself on a term paper about Jack London. She gave me a straight A

I loved being in choirs,tennis team and on the seminary council

I enjoyed my good friends
In college...

I enjoyed my great literature class and piano lessons

I feel I'm a good mom when...

I make a good dinner

I really listen to my kids

I regret...

not finishing college

I could never have too many...

tennis balls, flowers



What about you?


mylittlegems said...

So Aaron and I did this on our blog- it was quite revealing and fun.

Amber said...

That was fun to read, especially the parts about High School stuff. I feel good about myself when I make a good dinner too!