Monday, May 14, 2007

Bryce has gone to Curacao !

We received word today that Bryce is flying 490 miles south of PR to serve now in Curacao which is part of his mission. This is a beautiful small island 38 miles long and 8 miles wide . Its actually part of South America 40 miles from Venezuela. It has a dutch influence and the language is a new one he'll have to learn called Papiamientu(dutch,english and spanish mix). There are 150,000 people made up of black, english,dutch and jewish descent. It should be cooler and not as humid and it is out of the hurricane region. We loved hearing his voice on mother's day...I wish I had recorded it!


mylittlegems said...

That is very exciting Belinda. Glad to hear about his mission.

melody said...

Wow! What a place to serve! And that sounds like an interesting language. It's good to hear Bryce is doing well.